Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Pepper-oni and Pepper-mint Patties

Maybe what I really want is a pepper-mill. I have been on a breakfast/lunch bender of eating a pepperoni stick and two peppermint patties at work. And I honestly figured the pepperoni wasn't too bad: protein, no carbs. So why do all my friends who are with me when I buy it gasp and tsk-tsk and shake their heads??

Hrumph. Maybe it's preservatives and nitrates and such. I can't even find the nutrition content online, but from what I've seen, it doesn't bode well. Lots of fat and calories. And the main ingredient seems to be pig hearts, eww. My Sugar Daddy talked me into a hard boiled egg, instead. Much better! I wanted protein, and I can't eat cottage cheese anymore (lactose issue). I don't get hungry for yogurt.

He couldn't talk me out of the peppermint patties, though. I am as stubborn as a mule! I have really been eating too much sugar lately - WHAT GIVES??

I'm in the midst of a short week, as Greg and I are zipping off to the Oregon Coast for a long weekend. We are going to ride ATVs in the sand dunes. I'm pretty sure I've never been on an ATV. Should be fun! We are taking his 14yo daughter, who is on spring break and has been begging to go ride the ATVs. She's the one who's into it, Greg said he can take or leave them. But where we're going is his favorite place on earth, so I'm eager to see it!

We'll leave Thursday after work. His daughter was very sick over the weekend, and the school just called and sent my daughter home sick this morning. Yuck. I hope we don't spend the weekend getting sick from all these germy kids. ;)

Yesterday I went to Old Navy and bought a couple of hoodies and a couple pairs of sweat pants. I am gradually getting my wardrobe rebuilt with things that fit me now! And yup, I was excited to buy size smalls and mediums of everything. The men's hoodies were much warmer than the women's, and I did pick up a men's small, as well. It is huge on me! I tell ya - it is just crazy unfathomable how much my body has changed. Love it.

I am looking forward to riding the ATVs, but mostly I am so happy that at this point in my life, I no longer have the fears of doing such a thing. "Am I too big for it; what will I look like riding it; etc." I will just go and enjoy myself. Yay!

And a cute boyfriend update. :) Yesterday morning he called and asked me if he could bring me lunch. Heck, yeah! He swung by my building for about two nanoseconds and gave me a sack lunch and kisses. He made me a delicious chicken burrito (oh man, was it good) along with a side of chips and homemade salsa. He cut the burrito in half, since he knows I don't eat much, and thought I might want to share it with my stair ninja/lunch buddy Barb. We did share it, and we dished about what a supercool guy I've stumbled onto. ;)


  1. You boyfriend should teach lessons!

  2. Love that Greg. You are so lucky.

  3. Awww! How awesome is that??? I love that he brought you lunch and that he can cook. Purely awesome. Ok..I now forgive him for the comment in your previous post :)
